Your place for end-to-end coverage on Maker’s Endgame Evolution.

What is an Endgame….?

An “endgame” is the final stage of an extended process or course of events.

Endgame evolves Maker’s protocol, governance, and ecosystem layers into an Endgame-ready state - creating consistent, mature, and resilient extended processes for all focus areas of the organization.

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Endgame Evolving Projects


The Endgame Plan is a organization-wide reconstruction project. Protocol, Governance, and Ecosystem evolutions are needed to create the infrastructure to position Maker to be “Endgame-ready”.

Below are some of the latest updates from defined projects. View an overview of all Maker’s Endgame Projects here.

The Maker Constitution


Latest Update:

Endgame: Red Team - Session 1

Approaching Milestone:

March 1st RFC Freeze Deadline.

Scope Framework Development


Latest Update:

Approaching Milestones:

March 1st RFC Freeze Deadline.

Endgame Operations Manual


Latest Update:

Approaching Milestones:

Open Request for Feedback.